cams 2024

CAMS 2024

We hope you enjoyed attending the 33rd Annual Capital Area Modellers Society Model Show & Contest held on May 25, 2024. Thanks to all the CAMS members, volunteers, judges, tabulators, vendors and participants!! CAMS 2024 was a fantastic time.

We would like to thank our sponsors for their generous donations to CAMS 2024. Please take the time to visit their websites. Without them, much of the show would not be possible.

A special thank you to the people who came in and gave talks on the Corvette history and the model building tips for our learning pleasure - your time was appreciated.
Lastly, thanks to the River Valley Corvette Club for putting on a display of your beautiful cars!

See you next year!

CAMS 2024 Sponsors

CAMS 2024 Awards & Results

We welcome you feedback.